This is the new book by Esther and Jerry Hicks (and Abraham) that I've been keeping an eye on. I only have read the first 2 chapters since that's all would let me see without purchasing the book. I wanted to share some thoughts on what I read.
A while ago, I was taking an intro philosophy course. I remember the professor lecturing on Aristotle's beliefs about what happens when we die. He told us that Aristotle believed that when we died, our souls went to a place much like heaven to wait to be reborn again. They took all of their experiences during the previous lifetime to this place of soul congregation and do whatever souls do. When the time came for a soul to be reborn, he would bathe himself in "waters of forgetfulness" before leaving the place of souls and returning to earth in a physical body. Now, these "waters of forgetfulness" were such that, if the soul did not bathe himself completely and missed some spots, some of that divine knowledge would go with him into this new body of his. Aristotle believed that this explained why some people were born who seemingly "knew stuff" that others did not. Or, why some people were visionaries beyond their times or why some people were psychic, or seers, or whatever.
The Astonishing Power of Emotions tells us that our non-physical selves come from a place full of pure positive energy. It is our non-physical selves that want to branch out and live in the physical world. This expansion of their awareness is borne from an idea, and from that idea we are born into the physical universe. We do not begin at our births because we exist before our births in a non-physical plane.
A physical body gives our non-physical selves a different point of view. It is the relationship with our physical and non-physical selves that is important. This relationship is what we, as physical beings, need to explore. Our physical bodies are not closely connected to that pure positive energy source that our non-physical selves are a part of. We are but a manifestation of an idea that our non-physical selves put forth in order to expand their own knowledge. Our physical lives are new and bring with them new and different experiences to help our non-physical selves expand. I'm thinking that our non-physical selves are like the light shining through a keyhole onto our lives. By exploring the relationship between our physical and non-physical selves we can make some huge discoveries and open the door and let the light shine in fully.
Personally, I have felt for a while that all of my life's challenges were presented to me in such a way as to make me learn and grow from them. Each of these challenges have been built upon by the one before it. The challenges of learning have been small and on-going, sort of like a "this is what you must do, no questions. Just do it." Yet, I think that the challenges of money in my life have been propagated by my own physical self and the beliefs that society places upon us as to what money is and how one must attain it. The most interesting of these challenges must be the ones of emotion, of love and of relationships. Each of my relationships with men have taught me something fundamental. With each challenge comes transformation. It is how we grow.
If you believe that we are extensions of our non-physical selves, and that we are here to expand our knowledge by having new lives with new experiences, then you are on your way to opening that door.
Some things to think on.
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