It's been a while since my last post. I think this is because I've had other things occupy my mind for a while. I've had other outlets for my thoughts about my spirituality pop up in my life, and I've learned more about my self: my conscious self, my ego and my super-conscious self. It's funny that these three things occupy the same space (my brain) and seem to be almost seamless at first glance. The thing is, the more read and learn about myself, the more I realize how separate each of those parts of Me are. More importantly, I am learning how to separate them and look at them separately.
There are too many things that I've learned to go through in this one post, and I think perhaps I may continue writing my thoughts down to share with whoever stumbles upon this blog.
What I wanted to write about tonight was a conversation I had with someone last night. This was someone I barely knew who opened up to me and shared with me her life-changing epiphany. It made me realize that we are both on the same path to discover our own spirituality. She made the same conclusion that I made when I was about her age. If you love yourself and truly believe that you are a good person then it shouldn't matter what other people think of you. It was one of the first "freedoms" that I discovered on this path of discovering myself. Once you realize that you are okay as you, you are set free of trying to conform to society's social norms.
I've been "free" like this for so long that it feels natural. Finding out that someone else has stepped on the same stone and figured out the same thing is a wonderful feeling. I have found many other people heading in the same direction of self-discovery.
The world is truly about to go through a spiritual revolution. It's a super-conscious awakening that is a huge global phenomenon and it's going to hit those who are unprepared like a ton of bricks.
There are those who will be left fighting against the current, fighting against the very essence of life; and there are those who will be gleefully gliding with the current and letting it sweep them away into ecstasy.
Once awakened and aware, it is so easy to pick those people out who are still fighting with themselves and with the natural flow of this life stream. They are like rocks jutting out of the water where the life stream flows down and butts up against them and diverges around them creating a small spot of turbulence that is easy to pick out once you know what to look for.
Some of them are avidly fighting against the current, some are standing and facing upstream, but others have their heads turned and are contemplating letting the river take them. All you have to do is let go.
Really beautiful posting!!!!
Thanks for that, David. I've been meaning to start posting in this blog again. :)
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