Monday, January 14, 2008

Deliberate Creation - Want vs. Desire

Due to a recent break up in my life, I have been battling with my inner wants and what I think are desires. I constantly go back and forth between wanting this person back in my life as he used to be and counting it as a real blessing that he stepped out of it. I know in my heart that it is probably more of a blessing and that all of the things that I miss about him are the things that can be found with any other relationship, but I still want him. Or, at least I think that I want him. I probably just want what he gave me in the relationship which means that I need to just let him go.

*big sigh*

The spiritual journey that I am on is directly affected by the challenges and transformations that the ends of each relationship brings. One of the main reasons for this blog is to share this spiritual journey with everyone in the hope that readers will learn something from it, or at least be amused by my mishaps. Either way, I want to share my experiences with the world.

On my quest for knowledge I ran across a website that really sparked my interest. It is always amazing to me to suddenly want to know something about something and then find the exact thing that you needed to hear without even searching for it. I found this site searching for Deliberate Creation and I found it quite easily, but what I also found was this:
Desire can be seen as a "positive" feeling. When we desire something, we are exuberant, enthusiastic about getting and having it.

Want can be seen as a "negative" feeling. It equates with lack. It says to the Universe, "I need this particular thing, it's missing in my life and, without it, all is not well." This sets up a vibration of desperation, of tension and difficulty, and closes down our ability to notice and receive anything that is made available to us.
-- Don Beckett

That was when the hammer hit the nail on the head. I hadn't thought too much about wanting things because I thought that's what deliberate creation was all about. I thought it was about saying "I want this" and then putting some good thoughts out about it and ping there it was. I knew it was about the content of the thoughts that you have when you want something but actually defining the difference between desire and want made it all click for me. I believe that the article is true for the most part. We tend to want things that we don't have, therefore want them because the lack of them. Going back to the Law of Attraction, if like attracts like, then wanting something because of the lack of it will attract the lack of it.

The next paragraph of the article really hit home for me.

The classic example of wanting is unrequited love. When we desire a person who does not reciprocate the feeling, we tend to become obsessed with thoughts of them. Negative kinds of thoughts: longing, pining, self-pity, depression, neediness, sadness, desperation, hopelessness. Which not only kill any possibility of attracting the person, they squelch our ability to attract any sort of desirable people and experiences. We start to become a magnet for all kinds of negative things: sickness, accidents, and other people who are vibrating on the wavelengths of woe and self-pity and hopelessness.
-- Don Beckett

I have been pegged! All of the things that I had been thinking towards my ex in a nice little list. Oops. It is so easy for me to fall into the state of thinking about all nasty little things that I would like to say to him because they would make me feel better. It's usually at that point where I try to completely cast him out of my mind and think of happier things. I know that deep down, he believes he did the right thing that is all that should matter. I should not waste any energy on being mad at him because it won't do anyone any good.

There is no such thing as coincidence; the universe knows what it's doing. If we weren't meant to be together, then we were meant to be with someone better for us. It should be seen as a blessing even though it's sometimes hard to see past the gloom.

It seems as though the whole universe is waiting for me to pull myself together and make myself ready for the next person who will come into my life. When the time is right, after I have sorted through all of the emotions and have gotten completely over this one, the universe will let me stumble upon the next one. I have no doubt that he will be even better than the last. I can hardly wait!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thank you for that