Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Some thoughts for the New Year

Every time you praise something,
Every time you appreciate something,
Every time you feel good about something,
You are telling the Universe,
"More of this please. More of this please."
You need never again make a verbal statement of this intent,
And if you were allowing your cork to float - all good things would flow to you.

-Abraham thru Esther Hicks

Excerpted from a workshop in Silver Sprin, MD Saturday, April 19th, 1997.


As I read this little excerpt today that was posted in the Love forum on the Powerful Intentions website I realized that it can apply to every aspect of our lives. What we put out into the Universe is that which we attract. This is the theory about using the Law of Attraction and the Science of Getting Rich program that I have a link to at the top of this page. By using this simple Law, it is possible to attract wealth and anything else that you want into your life. This is what this blog is all about. I am attracting readers like you to read this blog and to see what I have to say at the same time you have been attracted to this blog because you want to either learn about The Secret, or you want to learn about the SGR program or making some money online. It's as simple as that.

"Allowing your cork to float" is such a good analogy. It simply means that our natural state of being is happy and positive. When we are being true to ourselves and letting our joy and happiness flow through us we are letting our cork float. When we bog ourselves down with negative thoughts and feelings we are pushing that cork under the water. If we let go of those negative feelings our corks will simple float to the surface on their own because that is what they do naturally.

Don't hold yourself down. Don't say that you're 'broke' because that's what you'll be attracting. Money is something that everyone has the right to have and there's more than enough of it in the world for everyone to have their million. Feel good about money and money will feel good about you. Why would it want to line your pockets when you're always putting it down and complaining that you never have any of it? That's not what it likes! Money wants to be loved and appreciated; it wants people to feel good about using it for good things! What would you do with $1000 a day for the next 40 years? What if you couldn't keep any of it and had to spend it? What would you do with it?

Stop and think about how you've been thinking about money (or anything else for that matter) and see if it has successfully stayed in your life. Are there big differences in your attitude towards something good that has stuck around in your life and the things that you always want but never quite get or never hold onto for long? If you can say that there are differences, perhaps it's time to start the new year off with a little adjustment in that department?

If you like this post, feel free to comment and leave me some feedback.


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