Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Staying Positive

We all know those sorts of people who are always complaining about things and always have a negative statement to say. It happens all the time and once you have opened your eyes to the Law of Attraction, you realize just how negative other people can be. You also notice how you feel negative about things. I catch myself all the time.

What I try to do to stay in the positive mindset about things is to think in a positive sense. For instance, when I'm about to leave the house I used to say, "I hope I don't forget to...". Now I say, "I will remember to...." The universe doesn't catch the negatives in our thoughts. The main thought is "forget" and that is what will happen. Try it one day. Instead of saying "I hope I don't forget my keys" say "I'll remember my keys today." See what happens.

Once you are aware of all of the negative statements that are being said, you start catching yourself doing it as well. The one that I hear the most, and from my own mouth, is "I'm broke." I have changed this thought that has kept popping into my thoughts into "I'm getting money soon." But when I'm feeling really bad about something I usually use EWOP and leave it to my higher self to solve.

There are so many times when I catch people saying things in a negative way. When you catch yourself saying something in a negative tone, catch yourself and turn it into something that sounds wonderfully positive.

I don't want to be alone
I love the company of others

I don't like people who smoke
Non-smokers are my favorite kinds of people

I don't want to fail this course
I will pass this course..with flying colors.

Changing these little things about the way you think about things can make a huge difference. This way you are attracting more of what you want in your life and less of what you don't want. It works even better if you add some gratitude to the equation. Just start all of those little positive thoughts with "I am so grateful.."

It is such a simple way to keep popping out those positive thoughts. Try it for a few days and see what happens. It has worked a whole great deal of good for me and I plan on continuing to use it.

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