Friday, January 11, 2008

Relationships and Decisions

There comes a point in our lives where we are faced with a tough decision to make. On the one hand, there is the decision that makes sense. It is the decision that is realistic. Then there is the decision that is based on feelings. This one may be skewed either way depending on other factors in the game. The realistic decision is based on fact. If all the facts add up, or if the realistic decision and the decision based on feelings are the same then the answer is easy.

Where it gets complicated is when the feeling and emotion towards a decision is confounded by wants. This can debase the whole decision making process and cause some major confusion. Take, for instance, a relationship. A partner leaving. The partner may have had a just and sound reason for doing so. Perhaps even to the point of it being the best decision for both people involved. However, when the person that has been left ends up wanting their partner back it clouds any sort of decision-making. The person who has been left is absolutely determined to somehow get that person back, even though the best course of action is to let them go. It doesn't happen with just relationships. It happens whenever there is someone who is determined in wanting some particular thing. The difference between wanting a person and wanting a particular thing is "free will".

What if this person wants their partner back and is willing to use everything in their power to get them back into their lives. I've perused the Law of Attraction forums and there are so many people who want to know how to use The Secret to get someone that broke up with them back. To me, this is almost silly. Most of the people who want their partners back admit that they were not perfect for each other. There is usually some fatal flaw in the relationship that has caused the other person to leave it. Wanting to have this person back and using the Secret for it is not the right thing to do. If you believe that everything happens for a purpose, then you must believe that they left you for a purpose. This 'purpose' is not just their reasons for it, it goes deeper than that. It comes down to some lesson that your soul or non-physical self believed that you needed to learn.

Trying to attract a certain person into your life is almost morally wrong. It's like forcing someone to do something that they don't want to do. They left, and then are forced to come back? No, that doesn't sound right. Instead, it would be a good idea to make a list of the qualities that are wanted in a perfect partner - write them down or make a mental list. Then the universe knows exactly what to create for you. Now, this person who left may pop back into your life again because it is the exact person that you asked the universe for, but if it isn't, then you can expect that someone even better will come along. Just trust it.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about a recent break-up and I find that if I just write it all down, it helps me gain some clarity on the situation. Hopefully, reading this post will help others gain some clarity as well if they are in the same situation.

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